3 Secrets Of Every Great Public Speaker

3 Secrets of Every Great Public Speaker


the good writer

Not everyone has the courage to speak in public, certainly not everyone is born ready to do it straight away. Unfortunately, public speaking is something you cannot fully escape from. Eventually you will be asked to stand in front of an audience and speak.

It may be as simple as a social occasion speech. It may as well be a big presentation to an important prospect. Or that unavoidable sales call or even a night out with friends during which you will have to make an opinion about something.

Luckily, public speaking is a skill you can learn. You don’t have to be born with it, or inherit in your genes. You can learn and master how to become a great and confident speaker and the best part is, it is not even difficult to do.


Of course, it requires a lot of practice, also in real situations. You will also have to learn a lot about speaking technique to overcome your fear of public speaking, nonetheless as hard as it all sounds, it is quite easy to do.

The best place to start is finding out what makes a good speaker, and what are the secrets of a successful public speaker.

Secret 1. Passion

Passion is like laughter, it s contagious. Showing passion in a speech may mesmerize listeners and turn them into raving fans. On the contrary, speaking in a monotonous voice at a steady pace will not capture anyone in the audience.

Secret 2. Humor

Humor makes all the difference in a presentation. It makes people relax but also listen at the same time. It creates an atmosphere on which it is easier for a speaker to build trust in himself and his message. By making the audience laugh, usually at his own expense a speaker breaks the curtain between him and his listeners. He becomes one of them but at the same time he is in the spotlight and he is the one with the message to convey.

Secret 3. Dynamics

Using gestures and dynamics is another technique public speakers use to capture their listeners attention. Let’s face it, no one enjoys listening to a speaker who is standing completely still. By adding theatricals speakers are able to bring life to their speech, mark important parts of it or highlight most important thoughts. A professional speaker has a set of gestures he would use to achieve that effect (leaning towards the audience, pointing at his listeners an so on).

But what if you are afraid of going in front of an audience? .What if your legs tremble, your voice breaks and you breath heavily only at a slightest thought of speaking in public? As I mentioned earlier, public speaking is not something you have to be born with nor you had to know those public speaking secrets from the start. With a bit of work, you can overcome your fear of public speaking and become a confident speaker. You can become better than all those who used to outshine you. And finally, you can learn how to voice your ideas and opinions so that everyone listens.

The good writer is a blogger and publisher but most of all, he is a public speaker and speaking mentor helping others to

overcome fear of public speaking

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